5 advantages of online classes in pandemic

5 advantages of online classes in pandemic|advantages, children, online class
Advantages Of Online Classes in Pandemic

The spread of the Covid-19 virus around the world has made all educational institutions establish a distance learning system or online learning. Learning online is indeed not easy, because in general, children are not familiar with this system. Not to mention the system and internet connection problems often occur. However, studying online in the midst of this pandemic also brings some benefits, Ma. The following is an explanation of the 5 advantages of studying online in the midst of a pandemic that we have summarized

Time and place are flexible 
During online learning, children can study wherever they want, be it in the room, family room, or dining table. Changing the place to study can be done occasionally to find a new atmosphere and improve the mood of your little one. In addition, Mama can also set the time when your little one studies and does his job. This is also an advantage for Mama because that way your little one can share his time playing, eating, napping, or helping Mama with light household chores.

Self-discipline and responsibility 
Who said that being more self-disciplined was a disadvantage? It is true that studying online requires more self-motivation and time management skills. However, that is precisely a good thing. This is because your little one is given space to schedule his own schedule when he should study. Without coercion, children organize and complete their tasks according to the schedule they specify. This trains your little one's ability to be disciplined and responsible for his work. Of course, in this case you also need to keep an eye on him

Eat and sleep regularly 
Learning online in the midst of this pandemic also keeps your little one under our supervision for 24 hours. For your little one who likes to miss snacks at school or erratic nap hours because of school, with #dirumahaja you can reset eating, sleeping, and nutritional intake.

Can pursue a hobby 
Flexible study hours also allow your little one to have more time at home. Having more time allows your little one to explore various activities besides learning. Children will start thinking about trying to explore their hobby. Like singing, cooking, and so on.

Supports your little one's learning style 
Online learning can accommodate a variety of learning styles and uses a variety of methods designed for different learners. Whether they learn in a more or less linear way, whether they learn visually or verbally, or whether they learn on the job, each student has a unique learning style. That way your little one can enjoy learning.