complete the dialogs below with should, would, or could

complete the dialogs below with should, would, or could|should, would, could
Dialog 1
Donna : If i won ten million dollar lottery jackpot. I would afford to quit my job and travel the world
Sam : Where would you go if you had that much money ?
Donna : I don't know, I would choose to spend a year in Paris or perhaps i would go to kenya
Sam : How often do you buy lottery tickets ?
Donna : Never. I guess if i want to win the lottery. i should try buying some tickets.
Sam : That could help

Dialog 2
Waitress : hi, my name is Sandy. i will be your waitress to night. What can i get for you ?
Tony : I haven't decided yet. Is there anything you COULD recommend ? is there anything you think i SHOULD try ?
Waitress : you should try the cajun catfish or perhaps the Gumbo. They're both delicious
Tony : That sounds wonderful, but that could be a little too spicy for me. Actually, the shrimp sound good. Umm, could have the barbecued shrimp ?
Waitress : Sure, would you like a salad with that ?

Dialog 3
Jan : What should we look for in a candidate when we vote in a presidential election ?
Peter : I think citizens should vote for a president who has the ability to improve the quality of life in the united states.
Jan : What would you do if you were President of the United States ?
Peter : I would focus on reducing environmental pollution. 
Jan : Every candidate always says he's going to do that, but it's a really complicated problem- it's not one which is easily solved. What makes you think you could actually stop pollution ?
