Teaching Children to Have a Careful Attitude to the Environment

Teaching Children to Have a Careful Attitude to the Environment| Children, Careful, Environment

Teaching children to have a caring attitude towards the environment can be interpreted as an effort to foster children's concern for the environment. Caring for the environment can be interpreted as an act of trying to prevent damage to the natural environment around it by managing the environment properly so that it can be enjoyed continuously without damaging the environment and living things around it. father and mother can teach your little one to have a caring attitude towards the environment starting from home. Your little one must get used to being responsible for the environment and have the knowledge and a strong desire to protect the earth in a sustainable manner. It is hoped that if your child has a caring attitude towards the environment, he can develop his curiosity about the environment, how to care for it, and also respect for living things in the surrounding environment. Here are tips for father and mother how to teach your little one to have a caring attitude towards the environment.

1. Planting types of plants
at home Inviting your little one to plant types of plants can increase your little one's awareness and sensitivity to care for the environment. father and mother can invite your little one to plant various types of plants such as planting various flowers, various vegetables such as kale and papaya leaves, as well as family medicinal plants or known as TOGA. father and mother can also invite your little one to plant various herbs such as leeks, turmeric, shallots, garlic, and others.

2. Recognizing the type of waste
Recognizing the type of garbage at home helps your little one get used to throwing garbage in its place. Garbage is generally divided into three, namely organic waste, inorganic waste, and B3 waste. The following is a brief explanation of the types of waste.
Organic trash 
Organic waste can be defined as a type of waste originating from living bodies that are easily decomposed and can be destroyed naturally, such as kitchen waste, leaves, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, rice and grass clippings or dry leaves. Usually this type of waste can be recycled into organic fertilizer or as material for making biopore holes. 

Inorganic waste 
Inorganic waste can be defined as waste that cannot decompose, such as glass bottles, plastics, plastic bags, cans, and metals. This type of inorganic waste can usually be recycled or reused which can generate use value and economic value. 

B3 waste (hazardous and toxic waste) 
B3 waste can be defined as a type of waste that contains hazardous and toxic materials such as battery stones, pesticide cans, aerosol bottles, cleaning fluids, CD / DVDs, batteries, and fluorescent lamps. There are several types of waste that can be recycled, such as CD / DVD discs used as decorative frames. So that your little one gets used to separating trash in its place, father and mother can provide different colored trash cans based on the type of trash.

3. Making crafts from inorganic waste
Making crafts from inorganic waste helps your little one develop their creativity. Making various kinds of crafts from inorganic waste can increase your little one's creativity. father and mother can teach your little one to make crafts from in-organic waste such as making pots from plastic bottles, making craft bags, wallets, or pencil boxes from packaging waste, making flower decorations from plastic straws, and so on. By involving your little one to make crafts can increase your little one's creativity to make various kinds of other handicrafts. In addition, father and mother can also invite your little one to sell his work or make small exhibitions at home as a token of appreciation for your little one for caring about the environment around him. father and mother doesn't have to worry about running out of ideas for a variety of crafts that are easy to make with your little one.

4. Carrying environmentally friendly goods
Bringing in environmentally friendly goods promotes reduced use of plastics. Inviting your little one to bring environmentally friendly items wherever you go aims to reduce the use of plastic. For example, father and mother can invite your little one to bring cutlery such as spoons, forks and food boxes, bring drinking bottles, use environmentally friendly bags, and carry stainless steel straws.

5. Storytelling with environmental themes
Environmental storytelling helps father and mother form the emotional intelligence of his little one. Storytelling is one of the traditions of our ancestors which contains legends in a certain area such as folklore, fables, or other types of stories. The advantage of using fairy tale media as a strategy to instill a caring attitude towards your little one is that it can help your little one have emotional intelligence and positive character. Today's fairy tale media is not just reading pictorial fairy tale books, father and mother can tell storytelling using hand puppets, caricature screens, and pantomime. After finishing the storytelling, father and mother needs to convey a moral message with the aim that your little one can understand the importance of having a caring attitude towards the environment. Teaching your little one to care for the environment is not an easy matter because it requires concrete realizations and actions. If your child has a high concern for the environment from an early age, then he can enjoy what the environment provides continuously without damaging.