Plts Cirata 145 Megawatt for Thousand Houses

Plts Cirata 145 Megawatt for Thousand Houses|Plts, Cirata, Joko Widodo
Plts Cirata 145 Megawatt for Thousand Houses
Plts Cirata is the implementation of one of the business agreements signed during the visit of Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Abu Dhabi on January 12, 2020. The inauguration conducted by PT PJB Masdar Solar Energi (PMSE) became part of a series of Indonesia-UAE Week activities held by the Embassy of Abu Dhabi on December 15-21, 2020. This year PLN managed to increase the EBT mix by 13.6% even in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) guarantees to oversee priority projects located in the Cirata reservoir. The inauguration of Proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) Project of 145 Megawatts (MW) has been conducted in Cirata, Purwakarta, West Java Thursday (17/12) will illuminate 50 thousand homes and reduce 200 thousand tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. This is the biggest PLTS power plant in Southeast Asia. The Company together with the Relevant Ministries/Institutions and local governments will fully support. The realization value of investment made by PT PJB Masdar Solar Energi (PMSE) to date is only 1.97% of the total investment plan of Rp 1.8 trillion. By being escorted together, it is hoped that the number of investment realizations made can increase significantly. So far, communication and coordination between various parties has also been good, so that the permits required by cirata power plant can be issued. 

Masdar said that his party chose Indonesia because it wanted to grow in Asia from Indonesia. This is a milestone for the company that marks Masdar's expansion in the region.