Rectenna: Magic Tool to Convert Wifi Signal to Electricity

Rectenna: Magic Tool to Convert Wifi Signal to Electricity|rectenna, replace, wifi
Rectenna: Magic Tool to Convert Wifi Signal to Electricity
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States together with researchers from the Technical University of Madrid developed a magical tool that converts wifi signals into electrical energy called Rectenna. The wifi signal can be used to transmit energy by spreading electromagnetic energy in its environment. If the energy is collected, it can be used as a power source. Rectenna will work using radio frequencies that capture electromagnetic waves of wifi signals as AC current waves. This tool uses a flexible material, namely molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) with a thickness of three atoms. When exposed to chemicals, this material will make a semiconductor to produce electricity.


Rectenna can convert wifi signals into electricity with a power of about 40 microwatts. With this power, the researchers assessed it could be used to power LED lights or microchips , as well as for large areas or small devices such as cell phones, medical devices, to sensors of internal organs. Rectenna is ideal for use because it does not require a battery to convert the wifi signal into electricity. This magical tool can also harvest radio frequencies from electronic devices such as wifi, bluetooth, LTE signals, and others. Rectenna is expected to be an independent energy source, considering that its maintenance is also not difficult. The discovery of this tool is actually not the first in the world. 


Previously, a team of researchers from Ohio State University also developed a tool that can collect wifi signals with a strength of 2.45 GHz to produce electrical energy.