why kids naughty ??

Must Know! Why kids naughty?|naughty, kids, children
Must know! Why kids naughty? 

If a child becomes a sweet child and obeys all the words of parents, it can certainly save energy and patience. But the desire does not match the reality, parents find the behavior of children who are naughty, rebellious, aggressive, and difficult to control. The cause of children behaving misbehaving various factors. Behaving badly means that children begin to like to break the rules, deny speech, not listen, bite, hit, even steal something. Of course, as a parent, parents do not need to scold or scold him, because young children do not necessarily become naughty from birth. Try to find out, what parents have done so that the baby's attitude turns into that way. Well, keep in mind that there are some things that can cause children to be naughty. Take a look. Parents need to know, there is actually a purpose behind the child's behavior, which is to convey his feelings or thoughts. Quoted from Psychotherapist and author of the book psychology 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do, Amy Morin explains there reasons young children behave misbehaving, among others;

1. Thirst for attention When a child needs attention from parents and doesn't get it, running amok or hitting is one way they can do it. Although they know they will be scolded after doing the deed, young children still do it as a way to get the attention of parents. They want parents to see, talk, and give them their full attention. As a parent, the way to suppress a child's habits like this is to react positively when the child shows a thirst for attention. 

2. Be a role model for those around you Children learn to behave by looking at others. Whether it's mimicking the mischievous actions of friends at school or from watching on television. It is therefore very important for parents to limit and monitor what they see. Monitor what children see on television or the internet and play video games. 

3. Test patience When parents set rules on a child about what they shouldn't do, they usually want to know how serious parents are about those rules. It's not uncommon for children to be deliberately mischievous to find out what the punishment is if it breaks the rules. Setting clear boundaries and communicating the punitive consequences if a child breaks the rules is important for parents. If children feel parents aren't serious about the rule, they're more likely to intentionally break it. 

4. Minimum skills Sometimes a child's behavioral problems arise due to a lack of skills. A child who is less able to socialize can hit his playmate when he is unhappy. The same goes for children who don't have the ability to solve problems. Usually they are not responsible and choose to let the toys fall apart after they have finished playing. When a child is naughty, it is better to teach him what to do, than to teach him about the consequences he has to accept for being naughty. If this is the case, parents should teach discipline and other skills to children. 

5. Unable to control emotions Children often don't understand what to do about the feelings they have, which can make them more likely to feel angry and aggressive. In fact, young children can overdo it when they feel happy, depressed, or bored. The role of parents here is to teach how to control emotions when feeling sad, disappointed or anxious.

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