Difference between Smart and Intelligent Children

Difference between Smart and Intelligent Children|smart children, difference smart, intelligent children
Difference between Smart and Intelligent Children 
The meaning of smart is usually knowing, being clever, and having knowledge. No wonder that smart children are always associated with academic achievement, because they always struggle with science. A smart child is also known to be disciplined and organized, to be able to do all the things he is told. Unlike intelligence, intelligence is an innate gift from birth and cannot be sought. Therefore, intelligent children often improvise and are more creative in doing things. This is because he can think quickly, so he is very easy to understand, understand, and grasp the intent of a situation. 

Many times, many people say smart and intelligent have the same meaning. Maybe the old man, too, still thinks so? Although it is different, the two words have differences that can be seen from the definition. Smart and intelligent children are different meanings, smart children are smart children. While the smart child is a child who is clever and careful in seeing things.  In intelligence there is intelligence, but in intelligence, there is not necessarily intelligence. Therefore, a smart child is not necessarily smart. On the other hand, smart children are not necessarily smart either. 
So, what are the characteristics of smart and intelligent children? Read this article to the end! An intelligent or type child is generally defined as a child who is knowledgeable, bright-minded, clever, and witty. If traditionally assessed, an intelligent child is a child who has the intellectual ability or high IQ test scores, if your child does not have a high IQ score, it does not mean that he is not intelligent. The reason is, interpreting intelligence may not be clearly described, but overall. 

Here are the characteristics of smart children that parents need to know.

* It's nice to do creativity. 
An intelligent child can certainly think creatively or have out-of-the-box thinking. Creativity is a type of intelligence itself, children who have this ability have insight and can translate it into interesting and useful messages.

 * The study desk is always a mess
Kathleen Vohs of the University of Minnesota explains that the messier a child is, the smarter she is. So before scolding children because their study table is always messy, parents need to know that their child has intelligence or high IQ scores.

* Have a high curiosity
If your child likes to learn, the more he learns, the more knowledge he has. Smart children always show an attitude of wanting to learn, because they are always curious, meaning they children find out the answer to their curiosity. A study in the Journal of Individual Differences showed similarities between children who scored high on IQ tests and adults who wanted to know more and were open to new ideas. 

* Open thinking or open-minded
A 2008 Yale University psychology study showed that a highly intelligent person tends to keep an open mind to the other person's point of view, not formulate one's point of view until he hears a lot of voices. This intelligence also means the child is consistent, as research also shows that open-minded people are more likely to be confident about their opinions after their thoughts are formed to avoid being manipulated. 

* Be sensitive to the surrounding environment.
Children will generally need time to recognize something that is happening around them. But that doesn't happen to smart babies. He could quickly tell which way the sound was coming from. He will also make eye contact with something he sees. 

* Able to communicate well. 
Intelligent children can demonstrate language and communication skills from the age of 4-5 months. He is good at stringing sentences or is very interested in language and also easier to understand the instructions given by parents. 

* Have a strong determination. 
A smart child will often be determined to get what he wants and tends to be stubborn. Even if it is forbidden, he will not give up easily. Sometimes this advantage can harm him.

So, parents should keep an eye on and give them an understanding of what can and should not be done.