5 Example of Exponential Function

5 Example of Exponential Function|exponential function, 5 solved exponential, 5 example exponential
5 Example of Exponential Function

1. If x1 and x2 the solution of 3^(4-x) + 3^x - 30 = 0, then the value of x1 + x2 is....
2. If 3^(x+1) + 6(3^x + 3^-2) = 3^3 + 10/3, then value of 4x^2 + 1 is ...
3. know an exponential equation : 64^x + 2^(x+6) = 2^(x+7). Nilai dari 10x - 2 is...
4. If f(x) = 2^2x + 2^(x+1) - 3 dan g(x) = 2^x + 3, maka nilai f(x)/g(x) is ....
5. solution of 5^(2x+1) = 10^(2x-1) is....
