Expressions Of Giving Instructions

Expressions Of Giving Instructions|expressions instructions, expressions order, expressions request, example of expressions
Expressions Of Giving Instructions / Order / Request
(Ungkapan Memberi Instruksi / Perintah / Permohonan)

Father : Hi, Wahyu. Come here and help me, please. (Hai, Wahyu. Datanglah kemarl dan tolong bantu saya.)
Wahyu : Don't worry, Dad. I am coming. What can I do for you? (Jangan kawatir, Pak. Aku datang, Apa yang bisa dibantu?)

1. I'd like you to open your book, please. (Saya mau kalian membuka buku kalian, silahkan.)
2. Would you mind speaking English, please? (Maukah anda berbicara Bhs. Inggris?)
3. Please stand up, will you? (Tolong, anda berdiri, mau? )
4. Pass me the water, please! (Tolong, Ambilkan saya air)
5. Would you kindly sit here? (Sudikah anda duduk di sini?)
6, I have to ask you to open the door. (Saya harus menyuruh anda untuk membuka pintu.)
7. Will you please stop talking! (Maukah anda berhenti bercakap!)
8. Would you please sit down! (Silakan duduk!)
9. Do you mind not singing! (Sudikah anda untuk tidak bernyanyi!)
10. Would you like to wait here? (Maukah Anda menunggu di sini?)

1. Open the door! (Buka pintunya!)
2 Sit down! (Duduklah!)
3. Give me that! (Berikan itu padaku!)
4. Don't smoke here! (Jangan merokok disini !)
5. Stop it, I tell! (Hentikan, kataku!)
6. Be quiet!(Tenang / diam !)
7. Don't sit there. (Jangan duduk disana)

Response :
1. Ok (Oke)
2. Sure (Tentu)
3. Yes, Sir/Mam (Ya, Pak/Bu)
4. All right (Baiklah)
5. By all means (Tentu saja)
6. Of Course/ Certainly (tentu)
7. It's Ok (Ya, setuju)
8. I could. don't worry (Saya bisa. Jangan kuatir)
9. No problem (Tidak masalah)